this is where I’ve lived
26/18 Ben Dosa, Jaffa+ Amir, Nuri & Lucy till 9/7/17 (2013-today)
8 levandovski, TLV+ Gili & Lucy (2012-2013)
1 guzhikov, TLV+ Yotam &Lucy (2011-2012)
25 Ha’Arbel, Nazareth Elite + 16 other People (2008-2009)
40 Ha’Etzel, TLV+ Naama, Yel, Gili, Maayan & BArx2 (2007-2008)
46 Ha’Dekel, Tel-Mond+ Edva, Adva& Anat (2006-2007)
25 Ha’Kedma, Herzeliya+ my Family (1992-20066)
somewhere in CapeTown+ My Family (1989-1992)
4 Yiftah, Jerusalem+ My family (born (1987)-1989)
this is what i do.
i Suffer of a duel Identity. on one hand, I’m a visual artist.
In My Work I Create Multimedia Projects And Installations. I Am Drawn To The Interface Between Materials, Operating Systems And Images.
all though i come to learn you need to earn a living to call yourself anything...
therefor, i’m a florist.
top Favourite humans:
you might be surprised to know:
I have a thing with blue whales
I consider myself a feminist
I would want to be vegan but don’t have the will
I’m bad at negotiating
I gained two centimeters while being pregnant
my parents have been sailing the world for the past 8 years
i really love cycling the city
my blue whale
Contact me
ask me something/ tell me something.
things I’ve learned Since becoming a mama:
my time passes faster then the rest of the world.
things change consistently. once you get the hang of it, it’s not Relevant anymore.
doing something new that i’m terrified of each day is good for you.
people feel the need to give advice all the time. (some more Useful then the other).
Surprisingly, Breast-feeding doesn’t come Naturally.