viral Conversation, 2020
Bezalel M.Des Design & Technology creative engagers, sketches during COVID-19 isolation period
A biological epidemic has plagued plant earth human population, invisibly, forcing us to isolate and move away from each other, everyone is imprisoned in their own fortress, all aspects of our lives are changing in front of our eyes, we don't know who to trust, who tells us the truth, and who is promoting an agenda. Feelings of uncertainty and mistrust pervade the mind and paralyze the body. Technologies that are well-rooted in our culture and that have been used by us so far by choice, become the streets and plazas of our city and connect our intimate spaces in which we congregated.
Creatives have become irrelevant overnight to the physical existence of humanity, a sense that any non-essential action sticks to this irrelevance feeling. Projects were postponed to an unknown date, initiatives canceled and artists and designers were sent home. We are trying to find the right medium and words to get started, to take the first step, to take action, stay active and productive. We feel a personal urgency to respond to the situation, to overcome this sense of frost. It is necessary to redefine our roles and position as designers who are capable of lifting our heads above the surface and take action in the public arena.
We are creative engagers, the community of the M.Des Bezalel Design & Technology department Sketching thoughts and responses to the absurd CODIV-19 isolation period